all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 9BA 6 0 53.50968 -2.191399
M40 9BB 8 0 53.507625 -2.193619
M40 9BD 8 0 53.509151 -2.196433
M40 9BN 3 0 53.506278 -2.194429
M40 9BP 3 0 53.507177 -2.194192
M40 9BQ 6 0 53.50641 -2.196164
M40 9BR 2 0 53.506498 -2.195725
M40 9BS 8 0 53.507238 -2.195564
M40 9BT 5 0 53.507733 -2.194948
M40 9BU 13 0 53.506646 -2.194295
M40 9BW 16 0 53.507857 -2.194691
M40 9BX 12 0 53.506628 -2.194823
M40 9BY 14 0 53.506842 -2.195653
M40 9BZ 24 0 53.507357 -2.194057
M40 9DA 4 0 53.509034 -2.196357
M40 9DB 17 0 53.508258 -2.192569
M40 9DD 14 1 53.508951 -2.191969
M40 9DE 10 0 53.509544 -2.192047
M40 9DF 12 1 53.509877 -2.192154
M40 9DG 41 0 53.508509 -2.193339